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2006年2月27日 5:25 PM  カテゴリー: 未分類

To foreigner’s patient

To foreigner’s patient
I will explain the trait of our dental clinic. It goes in the dental clinic of about ..taking the place.. …. 40 or more of father in in this Chofu ..Murata odontology department academy.. district, and it has contributed to a healthy odontology department about everybody in the region. The former director becomes a director now by me, introduces the appreciation of the beautiful odontology department treatment, the mouth implant treatment, and the orthodontic therapy newly, and the odontology department treatment with high quality or more is offered.
It belongs to a lot of academic societies, and the recognition medicine is acquired at the Japanese mouth implant society. Moreover, an announcement of the example of the clinical syndrome and a young dentist are helped to promote as Faeroe and mastering at the Japanese dentistry up-to-date medical treatment society. It trains to offshore facility. The training of the implant was obtained in the Harvard University in Boston in 2000, and it was, and was able to obtain a lot of effective information.
Please inquire of Murata dental clinic perio implant sentar once if you hope for treatment of value lives for oneself. Can the inquiry in English.
This article is proofread with the English translation software. I will refuse the incompleteness of sentences.
Contributor muradent:2006

2006年2月14日 11:05 AM  カテゴリー: ホームページからの情報

Hollywood smile and appreciation of the beautiful treatment

Hollywood smile and appreciation of the beautiful treatment
I think that it often knows of externals of this photograph in all women. The beauty of this mouth at which it smiled seems to draw it out ..her charm.. further with a smile of the actress who represents the United States and Juriarrobarts though there is no wonderful thing her figure up to saying. We say the Hollywood smile such a smile that healthily enchants the person. Why this mouth is beautiful and attractive, there are some standards, and teeth, lips along the standard, and the balances with the facial configuration are the results of beginning to brew.
Relation between lip and teeth
I think that it is understood that the curve of the upper lip and the Hacbi line of the percentage teeth are almost corresponding.
The curve of the lower lip and the line of the incisal edges of the percentage teeth are corresponding and this is also almost corresponding.
At this time, it is thought whether it is necessary to see it when the smile is light though it is also important that gums of the Ueno front tooth (gums) look little.
Symmetry to facial configuration
It is important that a virtual line where the center of and the center of the face (Say during positive) were connected during the top and bottom and the right and left is corresponding, and the number of teeth with which the distance to the corners of the mouth looks the same between those seem for the same thing to become symmetric in a word and. To the same in the sight important though the left half is generally known to be the right half of the face, and no complete symmetry.
Smile where corners of the mouth goes up
The training of the expression muscle where the corners of the mouth is improved when the smile is done is also important to express the relation between the above-mentioned teeth and lips. Especially, the smile in the foreign country with great confidence and my teeth are seen to see teeth well and expression only of the question bowl. Waracbo can be especially done because the muscle of this face develops this is thought that the development of the expression muscle is important.
White teeth
Especially, one that likes white teeth, and is considerable seems to care for teeth like whitening etc. as for the foreigner.
Making a transparent feeling of the incisal edge strong a little more seems to suit the Japanese though brightness also likes teeth of Chorke (chalk) near white now.
An attractive mouth comes to be expressed by the above-mentioned matter, and the balances of such a face, the lip, and teeth become important especially in the appreciation of the beautiful odontology department treatment.
Contributor muradent:2005 August 08, 10:37

2006年2月13日 7:06 PM  カテゴリー: 歯科技術情報

Appreciation of the beautiful From Harajuku

Appreciation of the beautiful From Harajuku
Training was started under Y teacher of Harajuku who was the authority of the appreciation of the beautiful odontology department treatment in Japan when studying with a new target this year. What in master’s course the teacher plans over the polysemy to the selection of the idea, the method of the appreciation of the beautiful odontology department, and the material used etc.What is appreciation of the beautiful, and doing very is a treatment goal is studied again though the appreciation of the beautiful odontology department goes in me. ..thin.. can explain by verifying many of works of the teacher with the slide for each case’s problem, medical guideline, and Tewaza, etc.As for teacher’s idea, appreciation of the beautiful and other odontology department treatments and the implant treatments aim at steady construction of the dental articulation and the harmony of appreciation of the beautiful dental crown gums. This was also always kept in mind also by me, treated, and the same thing. However, to acquire this this the gums tooth crown (It is called Dentogengebalcompreccs) that harmonizes, a very delicate art type is needed. And, the fang food is convinced wonderfully of the installation thing that the patient suffices satisfactorily surely , for example, a ceramic crown that enters the mouth. It is wonderful, and the treatment result is greatly different according to it is possible to wear of the crown of the installation at the end even if perfect treatment is done. I think that a lot of patients to be able to be wearing the crown, and the satisfaction rating changes. I think that the dental technician that the arm is good for the patient often becomes a leading part at times we though the leading part of the odontology department treatment is dentist. Offering the same technique construction goods as the teacher also to my patient became possible, and I am convinced to the dental technician with a good arm that an appreciation of the beautiful installation thing can be offered by more than before in the future though an appreciation of the beautiful installation thing has been produced by Y teacher’s goodwill also at my odontology department academy.

2006年2月13日 7:01 PM  カテゴリー: 歯科技術情報



2006年2月9日 10:53 AM  カテゴリー: 未分類